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BOOK NOW! Limited Time Offer! Available until May 10, 2024

April Promotions: Pucker up your lips $550 now $399 - Give me that snatched jawline $1100 now $999 - Chin up, you look fabulous! $550 now $399

BOOK NOW! Limited Time Offer! Available until May 10, 2024

Anti-Wrinkle Injectables

Experience a youthful revival with our Anti-Wrinkle Injectables at Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic. Our specialized treatments are designed to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, offering a rejuvenated appearance that celebrates your natural beauty.

a woman with gray hair touches her face with her hand
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face

Understanding Anti-Wrinkle Injectables

At Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic, we believe in enhancing your natural beauty. Our Anti-Wrinkle Injectables service is a testament to this belief. This minimally invasive procedure uses FDA-approved substances like Botox or Dysport to combat signs of aging by relaxing facial muscles, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Administered by our expert professionals, these injections offer a quick, safe, and effective route to a smoother, fresher, more youthful you. Turn back the hands of time and embrace your renewed confidence with Dermarich.

a man is getting a botox injection on his forehead
a woman is getting a botox injection on her forehead

OUR PROCESS FOR Anti-Wrinkle Injectables Treatment

Initial Consultation

Your journey to smoother, more youthful skin begins with a free consultation. During this session, we discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals, examining your skin to assess the right type of injectable treatment suitable for you.

the procedure

Next, our expert practitioners carefully inject the solution into the target areas. This non-invasive procedure takes less than an hour, and the fine needles used ensure minimal discomfort, allowing you to return to your daily activities immediately.

Aftercare & Follow-up

Post-treatment, we offer thorough aftercare guidance for best results. We'll schedule a follow-up to track your progress and make the required tweaks to achieve the perfect finish. Our team is always ready to address your queries and concerns.

The Power of Anti-Wrinkle Injectables

Anti-Wrinkle Injectables offer a fast, effective, and non-surgical solution to combat signs of aging. They work by relaxing the muscles responsible for wrinkles, resulting in smoother, more youthful-looking skin. The treatment is quick, typically completed within an hour, and requires no recovery time, meaning you can get back to your daily activities immediately. Regular treatments can even prevent new wrinkles from forming! 

At Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic, our expert team ensures these injectables are administered safely and precisely, providing natural-looking results that enhance your unique beauty, rather than altering it. Turn back the clock with our Anti-Wrinkle Injectables and feel more confident in your skin.

a woman is getting a botox injection in her face
a woman is getting a botox injection on her forehead
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face
a woman is getting a botox injection on her forehead

Aftercare Guidance for Anti-Wrinkle Injectables

Following your Anti-Wrinkle Injectable treatment, it's essential to adhere to our post-care instructions for optimal results and swift recovery. It includes avoiding strenuous exercise, heat exposure, alcohol, and makeup for 24 hours after treatment. This allows your skin the necessary time to heal and the injectable to settle correctly. Also, do not massage or rub the treated area. 

Slight bruising or swelling is normal and subsides within a few days. Always remember to apply a good SPF to protect your skin from sun damage. Should you have any concerns or queries post-treatment, our team is always available to assist you.

a woman is smiling while applying a serum to her face
a woman with blonde hair is smiling and covering her mouth with her hand
a woman is smiling while applying a serum to her face
a woman with blonde hair is smiling and covering her mouth with her hand


At Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic, we understand that you may have queries about our Anti-Wrinkle Injectable treatments. To assist you, we've answered some of the most frequently asked questions. 

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • Can anyone get Anti-Wrinkle Injectables?

    While Anti-Wrinkle Injectables are deemed safe for most adults, it's essential to remember that they may not be suitable for everyone. Certain groups, including those living with neurological disorders, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and individuals with allergies to any ingredients found in the injectables, are advised against using this treatment. 

    That's why at Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic, we insist on a comprehensive consultation before any procedure. During this session, we request you provide your complete medical history, helping us understand any existing conditions or potential risk factors. 

    This careful, thorough approach ensures that we offer only the treatments that are right for you, safeguarding your health while promoting your aesthetic goals.

  • How long do the results of Anti-Wrinkle Injectables last?

    The duration of results from Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can be quite variable, typically lasting between three to six months. This is contingent on a variety of personal factors such as your unique skin type, overall lifestyle habits, age, and the specific area that received treatment. 

    For instance, a younger individual with healthier lifestyle habits may notice the effects last longer than in an older person with unhealthy habits. Similarly, results may last longer in less mobile areas compared to more active facial regions. 

    To maintain the youthful, wrinkle-free appearance achieved, we advise scheduling regular follow-up wrinkle reduction treatments. These not only sustain the desired look but also aid in preventing the onset of new wrinkles, promoting a continuously youthful appearance.

  • Will my face still have expressions after the Anti-Wrinkle treatment?

    Absolutely! At Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic, we strive to achieve a balance between reducing the appearance of wrinkles and maintaining natural facial expressions. We believe in enhancing your unique beauty, not changing it. 

    With our Anti-Wrinkle Injections, our highly experienced practitioners use strategic techniques to target only those specific muscles that cause wrinkles, leaving the ones responsible for expressions untouched. This nuanced approach ensures you maintain full facial functionality - whether that's smiling, frowning, or expressing surprise. 

    So, while your skin becomes smoother and more youthful, you won't lose an ounce of your natural expressiveness. Trust us for results that are as natural as your beauty.


Ready to Look as Young as You Feel?

Experience the transformative power of Anti-Wrinkle Injectables at Dermarich Cosmetic Clinic. It's time to bid farewell to stubborn wrinkles and welcome smoother, more youthful skin. Book your free consultation today and start your journey to a refreshed, radiant you. Your flawless skin awaits!

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